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Salisbury, MD Painting Testimonial (Schwalb Residence)


Thank you, Steve and Lauri, for having me in your house and for doing a video testimonial for me.

How did you hear about Arey Painting?

Well, I guess I was the one that heard about Arey Painting first. Oh, probably going on ten years ago when Arey Painting was doing some working at Purdue. Actually, then it was American Decorators. I was going to mention that, just didn't know if I could. Yeah, that's okay. I was very impressed with the work there and I remember talking to to you and probably your dad at the time and said hey, we need some work done at the house and you guys came out and gave us a bid so that was I think 2007 was the first time we used you. So that's when we heard about you, then of course it held up so well that we didn't need to call you back (laughter). Then when we had some plans to do a little cleanup work and some of our painting in the house we gave you a call back and here you are.

Did I do everything that was promised?

Definitely. It was done on time and perfect job, very pleased. And I think to add to what Laurie said, you took a lot of care as you did last time but we especially noticed that this time with having a mat at the door and wearing booties and just being very sensitive to take care of the house. Even the way you had all the drop cloths out when you were doing the ceilings on porches just thought that I went above and beyond and we appreciate that. And cleaning up, you know, as you finished each piece of work, no remnants left, it was great.

On a scale one to ten how likely would you be to refers to friends and family?

Well I think it would be 10, yep 10.

Alright, great. Thanks again so much. Thank you.

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