Project Blog: Bedroom color change in Parsonsburg, MD.

One of the first activities that needs to be done when arriving to a job is the room setup.
Preferably, all of the furniture will be able to fit in the middle of the room so that the entire room can be done at one time.
The bulkhead walls on this particular job would not allow that so the furniture was moved to one side of the room and completed in halves.

There is much to do before any paint can be applied.
• All cover plates need to be removed. Those little screws can get lost easily so make sure they are in an undisturbed place or put them in a bag.
• Repair drywall as needed. Here we had nail pops, a loose bullnose corner and other miscellaneous imperfections.
• Screen sand walls and spot prime. Screen sanding will knock off any roller hairs from the previous paint job, smooth out any other tiny objects laying on the surface, and reveal any high spots that may need attention or repair.

Start painting!!
As I said above, this room had to be done in sections so once this side of the room was double coated it was time to:
• Take up drop clothes
• Vacuum the area
• Put cover plates back on
Rinse and repeat for the other side of the room.

Here are some before and after pictures.
The before pictures show the blue walls and the after pictures show the new color, which is SW 7044 Amazing Gray.
The product used for the walls is Duration Home Matte.
I am pleased to announce that the homeowner of this room was so pleased with the results that Arey Painting will be back to repaint the Master Bathroom.
If you would like to reach Arey Painting for a free in house estimate, call 410-341-0605 or click on this link to book your estimate online.