Matching a clear wood finish in Eden, MD.
I was called back to help on a renovation project at K9 Heeling in Eden, MD to apply the same clear wood finish to a ceiling that we previously accomplished. The picture below is the outcome of what we originally used. This product is Parks Universal Sealer, which is an alcohol based Shellac.

Using the product several times in the past and knowing how awesome it is, I go and assume that the product will be in stock at the big box store where I previously bought it. Well....NEVER ASSUME! It's not there and now it is a special order.
Okay, so now we have a deadline to meet and I need to find something that will bring out the natural beauty in the wood the same way Parks Sealer has done for the above ceiling and all of the oak floors in my personal house.

My search didn't last very long, in fact, just a few steps to the left. I found Zinnser Bulls Eye Shellac.
I had about 24 sheets of plywood to finish and the maximum square footage a gallon will cover is 600 sq/ft, so I needed 2 gallons @ $44 + tax for one coat. (2-3 coats is recommended if your budget allows)

Always try and take a test board of the same wood species with you to sample the product if you are attempting to match. Also, be aware that even the same wood species can vary in color and absorbtion. So the final answer is yes you can match the colors you find in a clear wood finish.
Tool & Material checklist:
2 gallons of Shellac ✔️
Lambswool applicator pad ✔️
Paint tray with liner ✔️
Dropcloth ✔️
5 in 1 tool ✔️
Sanding Sponge ✔️
Rags ✔️
Broom ✔️
Nitrile gloves ✔️
Ammonia and water (for cleanup) ✔️
This time I applied the shellac to the plywood before it was installed to the ceiling so it was a fast and easy process. From start to finish it took a total of 3 hours.

Here are some pics. The top 2 are pics of Amber shellac that we decided wasn't a perfect match. The bottom left is the Clear shellac that matched up very well, and the last pic is me just having some fun!
Here are some fun and interesting facts I found about Shellac:
All-natural – Shellac is an all-natural resin of insect origin that is harvested regularly and is therefore an environ-mentally friendly renewable resource.
Non-toxic/hypoallergenic – The U.S. Food & Drug Administration has certified shellac as a protective glaze for candy and pharmaceuticals.
Easy to use – Shellac is user-friendly and virtually goof-proof. It can be applied with a brush, pad, sprayer, or wiping cloth.
Super-fast dry time – Shellac dries to the touch in MINUTES and, in most cases, can be sanded or recoated in a little over half an hour.
Mild alcohol odor – Shellac is dissolved in denatured ethyl alcohol. It has a mildly antiseptic odor that dissipates very quickly as the product dries.
Non-yellowing/non-darkening – Shellac is UV resistant and won't darken with age – unlike oil-base finishes.
Click this link to see original ceiling project talked about in this blog post.
I would love to talk to you about your upcoming wood finishing project. YouCanBookMe online or call 410-341-0605 to setup an appt.