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What sheen should I use to paint my interior in Salisbury, MD?

Flat, Dead Flat, Matte, Eggshell, Low Lustre, Pearl, Satin, Medium Lustre, Semi-gloss, Gloss.

There certainly is not a lack of choices when it comes to choosing paint sheens for your interior painting project. It can be a little overwhelming if you don't understand what each one is intended for, so let's dive in and figure this out together.

What are you painting? Is it a Ceiling, Wall, Door, Floor?

Ceilings will normally receive a dead flat finish since there is no need for cleaning, unless the space is in a moisture created zone. In this case, you will want something to hold back the moisture and not absorb it.

Walls have the widest range of sheen application. Here is what I look for when determining a sheen:

Wall condition - Will the imperfections be fixed or painted over? Sheens will enhance the impefections while flats will hide them.

Traffic - KIDS. Let's face it, their hands are drawn to walls (and sometimes ceilings) like a magnet is drawn to metal. PETS. Coming inside after going out on a rainy day, Doing the twisty turn on their bed to find the good spot which happens to be against your wall. Whatever the case may be, the walls will need to be cleaned and this requires a sheen. The higher the sheen, the better the wash and scrubabilty. Some even offer better stain resistance than others, Duration Home by Sherwin-Williams is what I use most often.

Moisture - High moisture areas like kitchens and bathrooms should have a sheen so moisture will not penetrate the finish and can easily be wiped down. *Hot Tip - always have your exhaust fan on when showering or cooking to give moisture a way out of the house and off of your walls and ceilings.

Doors and Trim by far have the most TBDH (Touches By Dirty Hands) so this is a no brainer. The most popular choice of sheen in our geographical location is Semi-Gloss. I have heard that Satin is a popular choice in other areas of the country. Again, the higher the sheen, the better the wash and scrubabilty. we really need to go there? Just make sure you are preparing the surface really well and using the right products for the surface you're painting. Consult your local professional paint supplier or paint professional for help if needed.

As always, remember to call Arey Painting for your non-DIY projects. We will be ecstatic to help.

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