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What SHEEN should I use to paint my kitchen in Salisbury or Hebron, MD?

When I think about choosing a paint sheen for an interior paint project, I look at the same way Goldilocks chose her porridge, chair and bed.

Flat walls get dirty easily

So let's imagine Goldilocks walks into a house and see's a kitchen is being prepared for painting. In this kitchen there are 3 different paint cans, 1 has a flat sheen, 1 has a satin sheen, and 1 has a semi-gloss sheen.

Goldilocks starts to paint with the flat sheen but it was too dull and porous. The porosity allowed dirt and stains to grab onto the surface and didn't allow easy cleaning. She put that aside and saved it for the ceiling.

Goldilocks then began to paint with the semi-gloss sheen but she was almost blinded by brightness of the reflection being given off on such a large surface area. Although she felt the semi-gloss was great for cleaning, the glare was just too much for her and it showed every little imperfection.

Goldilocks finally tried the satin sheen and it was just right. The satin sheen had a reflection but not too much. It also had the advantage of great washability for those food and grease splatters to be cleaned easily. She also noticed that any imperfections were not as noticeable as the semi-gloss.

When Arey Painting showed up on the job, Goldilocks did not run out of the house but was greeted with smiles and praise on the fine sheen selection for the kitchen repaint. They finished the kitchen together.

The End.

To continue the story, book an estimate online HERE.

To find out a little more about pricing, go HERE.

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